aspiring flourishing loving

Year 5 and 6 - Supporting your child at home


Useful Websites










Recommended Reads . . .

Horrible Histories

Horrible Science

The Ship Between the Worlds – Julia Golding

Li Fu’s Great Aim – Karen Wallace

The Goblin of Tara – Oisin McGann

Coraline – Neil Gaiman

Foul Play – Tom Palmer

Stormbreaker – Anthony Horowitz

Noughts and Crosses – Malorie Blackman

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit – Judith Kerr

Clockwork – Philip Pullman

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain

Peter Pan – J M Barrie

Dragon Keeper – Carole Wilkinson

Boy Overboard – Morris Gleitzman

The Borrowers – M Norton

Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling

I Know What You Did Last Wednesday – Anthony


The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis

The Hobbit - J R Tolkien

Private Peaceful - Michael Morpurgo


Tips for Reading with your Child

 Make time to share books with your child. Listen to them read, listen to audio books together and try to chat about reading

Have a range of reading materials available - books, websites, magazines, newspapers, apps

Be a role model and show how reading can help you follow your interests

Read between the lines. Talk about what you have read to help your child understand what they have read in different ways.

Talk about the issues/themes, are there other things happening underneath what the author is saying? What is the author not telling us?

Research things together. Use the internet, the library as well as books. Talk to them about what information will you use and how you know you can trust your sources

Questions to ask . . .

Have you read any other stories with a similar theme?

Have you read any other stories that have openings like this?

What makes you think that?

What words give you that impression?

Do you agree with . . . . . opinion?

What do you think the writer intended?

How has the author used . . . . (e.g adjectives)

What do these words mean?

Why do you think the author chose to use those words?

Why do you think the author chose this setting?

What evidence is there to support your view?

What does the word . . . (e.g. slam) imply?

Why did the character behave like that?


Useful Text Books

The Terrific Times Table Book – Kate Petty and Jennie Maizels

KS2 Maths Study Book: The Study Book – Richard Parsons

KS2 English Study Book 1&2: The Study Book – Richard Parsons

Tutor Master Helps You Write Stories – David Malindine

Collins Revision Key Stage 2 English: Age 10-11: SATS Revision

Mental Arithmetic Book 2: Key Stage 2, Years 7-11 – T.R.


Igniting Writing Series: Writing for 7-11 - Sue Palmer and Pie


KS2 English SAT Buster Grammar - Richard Parsons


Useful Apps

Reading Comprehension Solar system

Times table Warp


Word Search

GeoExpert Lite